Accessibility statement

The CNOUS undertakes to make its internet, intranet and extranet sites accessible in accordance with article 47 of law n° 2005-102 of 11 February 2005.

This accessibility statement applies to the "Student Vote" website.

Status of compliance

The "Student Vote" site is in partial compliance with the RGAA version 4.1 general accessibility guidelines. Non-compliances and possible derogations are listed below.

Test results

The compliance audit conducted by the company Digital Footprint reveals that:

  • 84% of RGAA criteria are met.
  • The average compliance rate of the online service is 97% (optional information).

It is stated that the tests were performed on a pre-production environment. The results may be different on the public version of the site.

Inaccessible content

The content listed below is not accessible for the following reasons:


Only the non-compliances deemed to have the most impact and present in significant quantities in the sample pages are listed here. On request, the full audit result can be made available.

  • Some images carry information, but the alternatives provided do not allow for understanding the information carried by the image
  • Some text is not sufficiently contrasted
  • Some interface components are not sufficiently contrasted
  • Some content is not in the main language of the document, and does not have a language change indication
  • Mandatory fields on forms have technical indication of the mandatory nature, but not visual

Waivers for disproportionate burden


Content not subject to the accessibility requirement


Establishing this accessibility statement

This statement was made on 25 February 2021.

Technologies used for the realization [Of the website / Of the mobile application / Of the service...]

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • PHP With Symfony framework

User agents, assistive technologies and tools used to verify accessibility

Verifications of content rendering were performed with the following configurations:

  • Firefox and NVDA ;
  • Safari and VoiceOver ;
  • Firefox and Jaws.

Following code checking tools were used to verify compliance with the RGAA tests:

  • Colour Contrast Analyser ;
  • Extension « Web Developer » ;
  • Extension « Assistant RGAA » ;
  • Extension « WCAG Contrast checker » ;
  • Extension « ARC Toolkit » ;
  • Extension « HeadingsMap » ;
  • Firefox browser integrated developer tools;
  • W3C HTML validator;

Website pages that were subject to the compliance check

  • Home page
  • Personal data page
  • Registration page
  • Summary page
  • Confirmation page
  • Modification page of the request
  • Status page
  • Refused request page
  • Request page to be completed
  • Personal data page
  • Legal notice page
  • Sitemap page

Feedback and contact

If you are unable to access a content or service, you can contact the website manager to be directed to an accessible alternative or obtain the content in another form.

Recourse of appeal

This procedure is to be used in the following case.

You have notified the website manager of a lack of accessibility that prevents you from accessing content or one of the portal services and you have not received a satisfactory response.

  • Write a message to the Defender of Rights (via the contact form);
  • Contact the Rights Defender delegate in your region ( ;
  • Send a letter by post (free of charge, do not put a stamp on it) Défenseur des droits Libre réponse 71120 75342 Paris CEDEX 07 ;
  • Contact the Defender of Rights by phone: 09 69 39 00 00;