Legal notices is the official website allowing students to register on the electoral list and to participate in the election of student representatives to the Board of Directors of their Centre Régional des Œuvres Universitaires et Scolaires. is a service of the portal.

Director of the publication

Dominique Marchand, President of CNOUS

Responsible for the editorial staff

CNOUS Communication Mission

Postal address

Centre National des Œuvres Universitaires et Scolaires,
60 Boulevard du Lycée
CS 30010 - 92170 VANVES

Intellectual property

This website constitutes a work protected in France by the Intellectual Property Code, and abroad by the international conventions in force on copyright. The violation of one of the copyrights of the work is a counterfeiting offence.

The information presented on this site as well as the links to other sites are given for information purposes only. With the exception of the iconography, the reproduction of the pages of this site for non-profit purposes is authorised on the express condition that the source and the date of capture are mentioned.

However, the content of this site may not be reproduced or used for commercial or advertising purposes. The information used may only be used for personal, associative or professional purposes. Any distribution or use for commercial or advertising purposes is excluded.

No page may be presented as originating from this site if any changes have been made to its meaning.

Furthermore, the Centre National des Œuvres Universitaires et Scolaires (CNOUS) makes no commitment concerning any other site that may be accessed via its website, it being expressly pointed out that a link to another site does not mean that the CNOUS assumes any responsibility for the content or use that may be made of such sites. We try, as far as possible, to maintain stable page URLs. Requests for updates or corrections should be addressed to:

No authorisation is required to place a hypertext link to the CNOUS site on the home page or an internal page of a website. However, explicit mention of the Centre National des Œuvres Universitaires et Scolaires website in the title of the link is recommended.

Design, implementation


Sub-Directorate of Digital (SDN), CNOUS.

Empreinte digitale

11 rue des Noyers,
49000 Angers, France


The site and the data collected are hosted in the datacenters of the university and school works network located in France under the responsibility of the CNOUS, Sub-Directorate for Digital Services.

Protection of personal data

See the RGPD notice in the section « Information on personal data (RGPD) ».